What Are the Benefits of Volunteering?

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Two smiling seniors pointing at their t-shirts that read volunteer while standing in a park
The Shores of Lake Phalen

Are you looking for a way to make new friends, learn exciting new things, and have some fun? Believe it or not, you can get all of that and more through doing volunteer work in your community. What are the benefits of volunteering, and how can you experience them?

What Are the Benefits of Volunteering?

Do you regularly give your time to organizations that help make your community a better place? If you’re a senior in the United States, there’s a good chance that the answer is yes. While a lot of the appeal lies in doing a good deed, there are many other reasons that seniors are happy to make volunteer work a priority. What are the benefits of volunteering?

Volunteering Can Help You Connect with Others

If you’re looking to make some new friends, you won’t find better people to hang out with than your fellow volunteers. Many volunteers, especially seniors, are quick to cite the social benefits of community work. Volunteering lets you use a cause you’re passionate about to connect with similarly-minded people and can also give you a chance to meet different kinds of people than you usually interact with during your weekly routine. What better way is there to make a new friend?

Volunteering Can Give You a Renewed Sense of Purpose

Rest and relaxation are essential, but they aren’t the only things you need to complete your life. Volunteering can be a great way to give a new purpose to your old skills and hobbies if you’re looking for a new mission to keep you busy during retirement. For example, why keep it to yourself if you’re a crafter extraordinaire? There are dozens of nonprofits that ask seniors to use their crafting skills for good, and that’s only one kind of volunteering opportunity out there waiting for you. Find the right opportunity, and you’ll be able to do something you’re good at while making a real difference in the life of somebody who needs it.

Volunteering Is Good for Your Mental Health

Have you been feeling a little blue lately? Research shows that people who volunteer regularly are happier than those that don’t. Because volunteering is a selfless action, it tends to be a reliable source of good feelings for those participating. In addition, volunteering can have other psychological benefits, such as giving you the chance to get out of your comfort zone and try new things. Volunteering can even give you a boost of self-confidence by helping you accomplish things that boost your pride.

Volunteering Can Make Your Body Stronger

If the mental health benefits weren’t enough, volunteering can also positively impact your physical health. Seniors who volunteer regularly tend to have better physical health than those that don’t, and lower rates of chronic conditions like high blood pressure. Volunteering can also help you be more physically active, aiding mobility issues and bringing some needed exercise into your life. It’s a win-win for your body and mind.


What are the benefits of volunteering? You can make friends, find purpose, and even improve your health. Why not spend this weekend helping someone in need? You’ll be helping yourself, too!

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